11 martie, 2008

AAm primit un ….un…chestia de mai jos sa-mi fac un test, dar eu ma voi distra copios... Suna cam asa testul:

1. Put your music player on shuffle.
2. Press forward for each question.
3. Use the song title as the answer to the question even if it doesnt make sense. NO CHEATING!
4. Tag 5 ppl
5. Bold the questions and with the answers, give your own comments on how it relates to the questions.

Întrbarile :

1.How are you feeling today?

Mistaken For Strangers (The National). Pai piesa incepe cam asa:

You have to do it running but you do everything that they ask you to
cause you don
t mind seeing yourself in a picture
as long as you look faraway, as long as you look removed
showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters
showered and blue-blazered, fill yourself with quarters
. Cam pesimista privirea pentru o zi frumoasa…pacat, speram la altceva, la o campie cu floricele… un curcubeu deasupra...

2.Will you get far in life?

Svefn-g-englar (Sigur Rós). Da, e o piesa extraordinara de la o trupa magnifica. Visatoare abordarea, si nu contrazice cu nimic, dar spre sfarsit, dupa o urcare uriasa, totul devine ca o exmatriculare cu pulsatii. E ok pana acum, dar unde ajung la dracu..

3.How do your friends see you?

Bad Boy (Beatles). :). Chiar nu am trisat. Dar sun renumit pentru asta:

‘A bad little kid moved in to my neighbourhood
He won't do nothing right, just sits down and looks so good
He don't wanna go to school and learn to read and write
Just sits around the house and plays the rock and roll music all night
Well he puts thumbtacks on teacher's chair
Put chew'n' gum in little girl's hair
Now, junior behave yourself!’
Asa mai vorbim … Bau!

4.Will you get married?

Wish I Could, Hide Away (Creedence Clearwater Revival). Of, pe asta cum sa o mai abordez? Cu prima parte din titlu, sau a 2-a? Eu le iau pe ambele in spinare. Probabil e un ciclu casatorie-divort… Sa-mi bag picioarele...ce ma asteapta.

5.What is your best friend’s theme?

This Is Hardcore (Pulp). Uau, suna bine! chiar nu ma asteptam sa fie asta. ‘You are hardcore, you make me hard/ You name the drama and I'll play the part. ‘

6.What is the story of your life?

I've Just Seen A Face (Beatles). Asta denota lipsa mea de experienta, abia am vazut ceva… deci nu exista o poveste, inca… dar sa ma vedeti casatorit-divortat de zeci de ori... atunci sa ma mai intrebati asta!

7.What was high school like?

Sister (Devendra Banhart). E o prostie, nu am o sora, ce o mai fi si cu liceul? Dar sa vedeti ce-mi canta psihedelicul Devendra Banhart:Sister, sister, keep the fire inside, and your dogs won't die/And now it's all clear, it's all clear, you can see the child before it's born. Sa fim neseriosi… Dar imi aduc aminte ca aveam o directoare, grasa tare directoarea, Maria Teresa era numele ei. Si daca ma uit din punctul asta de vedere. Sister Maria Teresa :)

8.How can you get ahead in life?

Mean Mr Mustard (Beatles). Clar, cu un mustar rau si violent pot inainta in viata, altfel ma paste esecul.

9.What is the best thing about your friends?

I Can't Explain (The Who). Asta e, numai voi aveti de pierdut. Privita din unghiul intrebarii, piesa ar suna gay. Brrrr !!!

10.What is in store for this weekend?

Bad Girls (Jamiroquai). Yes yes yes!!! A cazut la fix piesa!!! abia astept!!! Let’s get it on!!!

11.What song describes you?

Don't See The Sorrow (Au Revoir Simone). Nu mi-a spus nimic asta, asa ca am ascultat intreaga melodie, si era cam asa: I'm on the edge/Of not wanting to feel this way anymore/But I will still try to learn my lessons/There's no mistakes anyway/I know that/Know that. Firar sa fie! Cata dreptate ar putea avea… daca-i dau una!

12.To describe your grandparents?

Wedding Song (Bob Dylan). Nu e chiar pe ritmul ultimului meu fost bunic, dar cand e vorba de Bob Dylan, cutitele stau infipte in masa, asa, sa fie treaba serioasa cu pamflet.

13.How is your life going?

Chimes of freedom (Bob Dylan). Extraordinar! Exact asta urmaream!

14.What song will they play at your funeral?

Introduction (Nick Drake). Albumul se numeste ‘Bryter Layter’ :). Sa fiu al naibii, e o idee geniala sa-mi cante o introducere la inmormatare. Abia astept momentul. Cu siguranta ma transform atunci in stea si voi fi bright!

15.How does the world see you?

Lady Madonna (Richie Havens). :) Nu stiu ce sa spun, sunt incantat, va multumesc din suflet!

16.Will you have a happy life?

Down the highway (Bob Dylan). Cu numele albumului ‘The Freewheelin' suna bine, voi fi o stea!

17.What do your friends really think of you?

My Captain (Muddy Waters). :) Indiscutabil! Autoritatea da roade pe ogor!

18.Do people secretly lust after you?

Memalon (Sopor Aeternus & The Ensemble). Sunt extraordinar, acum stiu: Memalon!!!

19.How can I make myself happy?

Been Smokin' Too Long (Nick Drake) :) la revedere voi celelalte chestii!

20.What should you do with your life?

Painter In Your Pocket (Destroyer). Ciudat, dar am sa o incerc si pe asta. Abia astept sa ma fac pictor in buzunarul tau!

de Alexa Vlad

Un comentariu:

Madilain spunea...

ce tare :))...totusi il mai fac o data ..